I read Tom Brady's new book about a month ago, and I really wanted to write a review because it was something I found very interesting. It was interesting because it pulled the curtains behind Tom Brady and what has made him successful on and off the field. It showed me how dedicated Tom is to his craft and will do pretty much anything to be the best. Now some of the methods that Tom incorporates into his workout routine may just work for Tom because he is the best Quarterback of all time and not because they are the most best scientific proven methods of all time. But placebo effect is real, even for all-star celebrity athletes like Tom Brady, and it could even be more than Placebo effect and Tom is way ahead of the science. Let me explain.
The number one thing Tom talks about giving him the edge to keep playing at the highest level possible is Pliability training. Basically pliability training is thinking of a board. If it's really stiff and tight and something hits the board it will break (injury) if the board is very pliable and something hits it the board will not break. This does make sense but I think you can achieve a pliable board or athlete through flexibility training and functional training. I don't think there are any studies showing pliability training giving you an increase athletic performance or prolonging your career. But then again no one talks about pliability training so maybe Tom is ahead of the curve and is something that will be fully validated with scientific evidence soon. It's not enough to say Tom is over 40 years old and is still the best Quarterback in the game. That sample size is 1 which is ridiculously small. If Tom never met the Guru trainer Alex who has taught him these methods there is a good chance he would still be the same athlete he is today.
Tom Brady's work ethic is ridiculously thorough and is something that separates him for all other athletes. The best athletes have the most talent and the hardest, smartest work ethic. And Tom Brady is the role model of that. Will pliability training come out to the next big thing? Only time will tell but regardless Tom Brady has fully committed himself to be the master of his craft. I highly recommend his book as an entertaining read, but take his methods with a grain of salt because they might not work for everyone. When trying new workouts, nutrition, etc. I would always look at what the science says and try and go by that. The more scientific evidence something works the better.

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