More and more research is coming out that a high protein breakfast is key to weight loss. A study from the Journal of Clinical Nutrition, took 20 overweight or obese subjects and had them eat three different breakfasts, either skipping breakfast (like 60% of most americans), eating 35 g protein breakfast, and a normal breakfast. The high protein breakfast led to increased fullness and reductions in brain activity that is associated with food cravings. Also, the high-protein breakfast reduced high-fat and high-sugar foods consumed later that evening. If you are one of the many people who skip breakfast in the morning try and eat breakfast for at least three days in a row because most habits take that long to develop and get use to. I am also posting the reference to Charles Poliquin's meat and nut breakfast which has gotten very high prasises from NFL athletes to the average joe. I myself eat a high protein breakfast every morning and I find that it helps curb my appetite, keeps me energized throughout the day, and makes me crave "junk food" a whole lot less. It is also the first meal of the day so you want to start out with the best meal for your body that you can to set yourself up for success.
Study found from:
Meat and Nut breakfast:

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